good days. bad days.

right now, my face is long and there’s a frown taking up most of the bottom half.  why? I had a bad day. why? everything. you know, those days where every little thing, every little email, every single voice around you makes you want to hit someone. it was one of those. but, honestly, i’ve gotten pretty good at owning my emotions without losing sight of the bigger picture: it was just one day. it happens. there’ll be more of them (the sucky ones, that is), but there will be way more of the awesome ones—yeah, like they say, the good really does come with some bad—and trust me, it's worth it. keep reading and you'll understand why...

i thought sharing this moment would be perfect for my first blog post of 2018 because, as i made my way through the day, i constantly had to remind myself that all of these things that irritate the hell out of me right now are merely annoying means to a very sweet end.  and whether you think of them as laying a foundation for your future, paying your dues, or whatever else makes you feel better about those less-than-ideal parts of your present situation, [they're really important]. they blend together to create a special learning period, one that presents a test of patience, faith and gratitude. as i rode the train home, i actually chuckled at one point and just thanked God for my life, even in moments like this, because (1) they remind me to really enjoy the good days, but more importantly, (2) they make me want to work. work and fight. fight my ass off for all of these dreams that are floating around in my mind. the dreams that deserve the front seat in my mind, not the back. and the dreams that'll let me leave the 9-to-5 in the rearview.

so i write all this to say, on those rough days that challenge your confidence, your comfort and your temperament, keep pushing through. keep your end game in mind—think about it every time you want to scream—and be passionate about what’s in front of you right now so you can get to the place you’re running toward. here's to a better day tomorrow. -j


reminders and reality checks.

you know something i realized last night? that there's nothing like a missed opportunity to really make you get your entire f**king life together. not that my life is in shambles (far from it), but i have a few bad habits that, from time to time, get in the way of my being successful. i was scrolling through the stories on my IG feed and saw a first look at a campaign that i got approached for—and subsequently took forever to respond to. long story short: your boy didn't get the part. it was like a slap in the face seeing it come to life (without me, and with so many other great guys involved), but a humbling, educational slap. we'll call it a love tap, haha.

naturally, i took to twitter, my personal sounding board, to release a bit of the disappointment and keep it moving, and a friend of mine replied to my tweet with the below:

firstly, it's amazing to have people in your life who remind you that there's always better ahead. secondly, she's so right, and that's exciting. there's more ahead, and i just have to keep doing my thing, except a little better—which is totally in my control. the whole thing really reminded me just how badly i want it (it, meaning everything that i've spent these past 7 years grinding for). don't you love moments like that?